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February 08, 2011



That was lovely! I would heartily agree and despite my physical distance from LLL in my heart it will always be one of organizations that has shaped my life immeasurably.

Blessings to you and I'll be praying for the young girl's family.


Trisha Noack

Very nice and unfortunately out here on country roads untimely death and choosing how to honor the deceases is an issue the kids face all too often. I have been to way too many funerals for young drivers. On another note, the last "in lieu of flowers" I gave was to the family who hosted the first LLL meeting I ever attended and who are still dear friends to this day. I gave money to help bring home an "LLL baby", now 27, from far away for her Grandfather's funeral. She was the best flower her family could have that day. The day after Grandpa passed away I delivered muffins made from LLL baking mix (found in the old cookbook) at 7 a.m. along with the money. It is something we did for each other after sleepless nights, new babies and just because we could. I will always treasure the friendships forged in the common beliefs we shared mothering through breastfeeding with LLL.

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