That's what today's Reverb10 prompt is about. Pick one moment, one time when you felt most alive this year and write about it.
You may or may not know this about me, but I love the beach. Love love love it. I dislike the way sand sticks to everything, but I do love the beach.
I've learned that there are sand people and there are anti-sand people. I didn't know this until somewhat recently in my life. I'm apparently one of the sand people (hence why we have a walk-in sandbox just off the patio, zero depth entry. Worth every second of design time and every penny we put into it. Kids have used that sandbox consistently since we put it in when Anastasia was a baby.)
This picture, by the way, is from 2004 right after we put in the patio, with sandbox en-suite. Liam is 3. I, being a multi-tasking mother, am probably holding Anastasia while taking this picture.
But the moment, the time I'm supposed to write about today - was this summer. We went with a friend to a beach in Evanston, which is where my husband and I first met. He even proposed on the beach in Evanston (not this particular beach, but that's immaterial.)
We went to the beach with one of my good friends, someone I don't get to see often enough these days (though I do get to see her tomorrow, maybe that's why this particular moment sticks out tonight) - and her son who just gets along beautifully with my kids (her daughter also gets along beautifully with my kids but was elsewhere that day.)
They spent the day digging in the sand and discovering CLAY, which was extremely exicting. I spent the day enjoying the quiet, and catching up with a dear friend. The sky was perfectly clear, bright blue sky all day. The water was cold, and the sand scratchy. But it wasn't too hot, so the day just couldn't get nicer. I love the way sand dampens sound on the beach. One of many things I've learned about myself in my old age is that I'm extremely sound sensitive, so being on the beach with the sand and water absorbing extra sounds is kind of like being in a sound booth for me. Quiet and peaceful.
And the kids were happy. Friend and a discovery, is there anything better than that when you're 6 and 8?
I am a Sand Person too, nice to meet you. I love the way it feels squished in my toes when I walk barefoot and the way it packs when I make sandcastles and the way it holds the warmth of the sun and reflects it back when I lay on it even with a towel between us.
Your sandbox is a revolutionary design and wonderful backyard solution. Your day with a friend this past year sounds amazingly wonderful as well. Happy for you both and your children to for that day set apart from all others.
Posted by: Janean | December 05, 2010 at 05:25 AM