A Facebook friend asked recently if she should get an iPad and it got me thinking (again.[1])
The funny thing about this list is the reason why I don’t have an iPad. You see, apparently I was offered one. Now this story is funny to me but my husband has grown tired of my retelling of it, so you have to understand there’s a certain amount of marital risk I’m engaging in by even posting this. [2]
A week or two before Mother’s Day, my husband asks me in that tone of voice, “What would you need an iPad for anyway? You already HAVE a laptop.”
I stammered, simpered, attempted to explain, but the whole nature of the question threw me off. And besides, by this point an iPad was merely an object of desire, I didn’t know how desperately I needed one yet.
So for Mother’s Day, I got a chaise lounge. A beautiful, really cushy, lovely, chaise lounge. This is a wonderful, thoughtful gift for Mother’s Day. Timing couldn’t be better, it’s just starting to get warm here by Mother’s Day. Our new doggy loves to sit on it with me. We hang out on the patio and it’s really wonderful. But it is NOT an iPad.
I mean, I try to use the iPad on my chaise, but the interface is broken. I can’t seem to get online when I sit on it. Very curious.
At any rate, in further pondering this facebook friend’s addition to the below list, I decided I needed to document it. You know, just for fun.
10. My friend Lisa
9. My friend Michelle
8. My friend Susanne
7. My sister
6. My other sister
5. My mother-in-law
4. My brother-in-law
3. That guy at Panera that always takes the corner table
2. Ree, the Pioneer Woman (she lives on a ranch in Oklahoma for crissakes! And has an iPad.)
1. My father
You see, nowhere does my name appear on this list. It’s a crime, really.
[1] There she goes, off on her thinking again.
[2] I do love you guys that much, yep. [3]
[3] All fourteen of y'all.
I'm right there with you. Every time I tell my husband I want an iPad he laughs at me. The local middle school got iPads for all of the students and teachers there, so my two good friends who work there each got one. I am so jealous! Maybe Christmas...
Posted by: Teglene | September 15, 2010 at 09:38 PM
Nah, no iPad for me too.
I'm looking at Samsung Galaxy Tab and ilk instead. ;-}
Posted by: sabre23t | September 15, 2010 at 10:00 PM
Maybe I'll sit on your lovely chaise while I use *my* ipad. I'd offer to share, but there are apparently either 6 or 7 people you rank above me. So go ask one of them. And, oh yea, bite me.
Posted by: kristin | September 15, 2010 at 11:03 PM
You see what I have to deal with, people? They not only HAVE iPads, they MOCK me with them. Shocking, really, that I still consider myself related to these heathens.
Posted by: Karen Smith | September 16, 2010 at 12:06 PM